March 6th was supposed to be the Quad Kettle event, but only turned out to be a Triple Kettle (thanks Bryce.. ASS). Not to be deterred, we plodded forward. T'was a late start due to some other events, but we got things going. Fred was doing a partial hefeweizen, Moss was doing an all-grain Irish Red, and I was making an all-grain blackberry wheat again.

Although Bryce wasn't able to brew, he was able to join us in the festivities by bringing copious amounts of homebrew (his DFH90 clone was fantastic) as well as other high-gravity biers. So, the good part was we tried a lot of beers, with many of them being very good. The bad part was, we tried a lot of beers, with many of them being pretty bad!

Did I mention high-gravity? Yes I thought I did, and you can see the effects on me as my eyes are half open.. at 5pm. I won't go into too much of the effects of drinking too much during the brew session, but here are some highlights:
- Moss forgot to add his aroma hops
- Jeff was reading Celsius and not Fahrenheit during this mash (ok so this was BEFORE drinking.. )
- Jeff had no idea how much volume he mashed out with
- Jeff had no idea how much volume he ended up with
- Jeff had no idea what his OG was

But all is not a loss. Afterwards we all vowed that subsequent brews would follow (or at least try) a more strict enforcement of rules surrounding drinking while brewing. But if I were a betting man, I wouldn't count on that lasting too long. ;)
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